SMASH! 2013

August 11th, 2013

SMASH 2013

SMASH! – the Sydney Manga and Anime SHow is a convention happening every year in Sydney, and its goal is to celebrate the culture of Anime, Manga, Video games, and Cosplay. Saturday, August 10th 2013 at 9am the Sydney Exhibition Center Darling Harbour opened its doors for over 7000 pop culture fans from around Australia and even overseas. Aside from big companies like Madman and KingsComics smaller circles and clubs were given stalls to sell their own merchandise; Anime@UTS was no exception. We had badges, post cards, phone charms, even panda hats.

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My ClariS can’t be this cute!

October 3rd, 2012


I made this as a music monday a few weeks ago. Copy pasta from the Anime@UTS website.

Hello and welcome to the first thrilling episode of Music Monday with your host JamieJakov.

If you have you seen Ore Imo, Madoka Magika or Nisemonogatari you should be familiar with the group ClariS.

ClariS is a japanese pop music duo, consisting of high school girls Clara and Alice. The duo was formed in 2009 when the girls did a cover of the Vocaloid song “Step to You“. Read More